The Argoti Undercity is a system of tunnels and burrows created during the ancient days of Argot.
Hespero runs Hesperos Shop from here.
Notes mentioning this note
Husband of [[Abraham Washington]], Baltsaros was a slaver and kidnapper in the [[Undercity]]. He kidnapped [[Taedor]]. Abraham tortured him, brought...
Sora Nemmonis
Sora Nemmonis serves the Werriadi Republic. Nemmonis led a life full of pick pocketing, forgery, and burglary alongside her partner...
The Triumvirate comprises the City Command of [[Argot]] and effectively acts as the leadership of the [[Golden Gulf Coalition]].
[[Crypt of Arch-Lich Goromus]]
[[Hesperos Shop]]
[[Mineosi Empire]]
[[Werriadi Republic]]