Hesperos Shop

Mundane Magic Items

Spell casting ring pops

150gp. No attuning required. Each comes with 5 unrechargable charges of:

Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Healing Word spell (1st level).
Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Fire Bolt spell (1st level).
Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Speak with Animals spell (1st level).
Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Heroism spell (1st level).
Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Goodberry spell (1st level).
Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Cure Wounds spell (1st level).
Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Bless spell (1st level).
Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Expeditious Retreat spell.
Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Comprehend Languages spell.


launches off a spell, just one charge. 250 gp

Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Shatter cast at 2nd level.
Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Hold Person cast at 2nd level.
Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Web cast at 2nd level.
Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Flaming Sphere cast at 2nd level.
Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Ray of Enfeeblement cast at 2nd level.
Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Moonbeam cast at 2nd level.
Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Augury cast at 2nd level.
Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Entanglement cast at 2nd level.
Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Mirror Image cast at 2nd level.


The quill is sentient and knows 3 languages of the DM’s choice and halves the amount of time it takes the bearer to copy any text, including spells into spellbooks.

Tin horn

Requires attuning
The bearer may cast Message once per day.


Requires attuning
Whenever you take the disengage action, your movement increases by 5ft for that round

Casts cure light wounds
Has Hesperos’s mark on it
Requires attuning. Any casting class.
Has three charges
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At dawn it regains 1d4 - 1 charges


Requires attunement
Bearer and all their possessions are odorless. You always know the direction to the nearest tavern within 60 miles.

Hat of Good Luck

Requires attunement. When the bearer of this item rolls hit dice, they can choose to re-roll them and take the second result.


No attunement required. Contains 1d4 unreplenishable uses of feather fall. Spell done by flapping one’s arms in a silly way.

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