Ten Generals
The Ten Generals are the military leaders of Argot. They are
Notes mentioning this note
Phase 1 Emergency Powers and the Coalition Day 1 13
Phase 1: Emergency Powers and the Coalition (Day 1-13)
gransoms wife is named greautiful go ahead ask me more i dare you
Ghosts? In my binder of the dead? It’s more common than you think
One of the [[Ten Generals]] of [[Argot]], a partisan of [[Leandro Damaskenos]]. Killed in the Betrayal of Sidicea.
Leandro Damaskenos
Leandro Damaskenos is one of the [[Ten Generals]] of Argot. He is a friend of [[Hespero]].
Rival General to [[Leandro Damaskenos]]. Leads the minority contingent of the [[Ten Generals]] of [[Argot]].
One of the [[Ten Generals]] of [[Argot]], a partisan of [[Leandro Damaskenos]]. Killed in the Capitulation of Telens.
Citizen Assembly
Composed of all of the citizens of [[Argot]] that can fit in the building, the Citizen Assembly is the legislative...
The Triumvirate comprises the City Command of [[Argot]] and effectively acts as the leadership of the [[Golden Gulf Coalition]].
index argot
[[The Argotnauts]]