Quakin on Quebra

The heroes saved Lemba from the shadow horror haunting the Archdruid Nimistes’s tomb. You purify the tomb and discover that the fountain has waters of true resurrection.

For purifying the fountain, the kodama give the heroes a charm. The fairies grant the heroes the Cli Lyre, some gifts and the promise of helping upgrade the ship with a fly speed.

The heroes decide to go to Quebra to get the special wood. On the way, they see a giant squid, which they decided not to pursue. They arrived on Quebra. The charm from the kodama turned black.

Abraham threatens to murder a grumpy lumberyard manager, but the heroes stop him in time. They go to Alice’s house. She tells them the story about herself. She is a selkie who asks the heroes to restore the lighthouse and find her sealskin.

Alice’s story:

My boy Antony is a good one. He keeps me company. Helps with the farm when he can. But he’s a logger, so he’s kept busy.

I lost one of my boys. My older one. He disappeared while I was pregnant with Antony. His name was Peter. Just a lad of 10. No one knows where he went off to. The neighbor tells me to go to the cunning folk and ask, but I don’t think that will do any good. The Mother Clotcarver always gets what she means to get.

Hunter. His father. He had something that belonged to me. But he died without me getting it back. I turned the property upside down. Difficult to ask around about it. So I am here forever.

If you can find it for me, I would be eternally grateful. I would do anything. I know it’s in that lighthouse. So many have died trying to open it back up. The screaming.

Gwendolyn, she was sleeping with my husband. I remember when I found out, I almost felt relieved. Except I still didn’t have my skin. So I could not leave. And I could not leave my precious Peter. But then Hunter told me he had it. He had found it when we first met.
He had watched me transform day after day. I felt so betrayed. He had planned it all along. We met near the water, and we talked and talked, and I thought he was so charming. I told him I lost something, but it never came up again, and then we had Peter and the farm, and it was all just fine.\

And Hunter strung me along. Promising that he’d return me what was mine if I stayed with him just a bit longer, just until Peter was old enough. And the old charmer that he was, I was pregnant with Antony by the end of the week. Just to keep him happy. Just so he wouldn’t destroy my skin.\

Then our boy disappeared. The whole village searched. The cunning folk kept telling me they would help, but I didn’t trust it.\

The neighbors told me later that Gwen had told Hunter to come with her. That she had seen Peter in the lighthouse. The two of them went into that tower, never to return. Gwen’s father was the keeper, and he went mad after he found his daughter dead on the rocks below. He shut up the tower. When someone else tried to go in to take up the post, he fought them off, went mad, and he took a leap himself.

The heroes save a young girl on the way to the cunning women’s house. They have an encounter which the hags escape. The gang returns the girl to her mother and go to Mother Clotcarver’s house. She gives them two prophecies and gives Casimir a sirablood elixir after rejecting a deal for the sirablood recipe Clotcarver holds.

Casimir loses 6 HP. Gains a sirablood elixir that provides 14 temporary HP.

For today
More and more the mosses grow, the weeds and mushrooms too,
in cracks of walls of stone, on bones, through locks of iron true.
Woe and woe the mosses grow, the weeds and hours too,
through walls and windows, and the floors, in soil that waits for you.
More and more the mosses grow, the weeds and children too,
hands that reach, the mouths that drink, the eyes that watch for you
Woe and woe the mosses grow, will I grow over too?
Woe and woe the mosses grow, will I grow over you?

For tomorrow\

Vengeance deeper and more thorough
E’en than the cunning in her burrow
So that he could spite the lich
The devil tore and cut the stitch
That tied these thirteen to the seas
But to undo, he left the keys
One in the shallows
One in the deeps
One in the sky
Within these great beasts that haunt our shores
But where did the fiend put the door?
The devil locked his strange machine
Where once the maze did make fourteen

Previous Episode: Bless the Child

Next Episode: A new challenger appears

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