A new challenger appears

When we last left our heroes:

Livius, Abe, Casimir, and Sora had determined to go to the lighthouse, leaving the hut of Mother Clotcarver, when they encountered a traveling researcher named Mallory and his bodyguards Nahk and Hobbes. Since they were working toward similar purposes, they went to the lighthouse together, freeing the tower from the ghosts that haunted it and retrieving Alice’s sealskin.

Knowing the Clotcarver has the sirablood recipe the Argotians are looking for, the gang concocts a plan to obtain it from the hag.

The Argotians have been trapped on the Haunted Sea for six days.

(For those keeping track, it is 25 days to the arrival of the devil Zulon and his army to the material plane.)

Previous Episode: Quakin on Quebra

Next Episode: At the Edge of the Pool on Morodos

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