The Countryside
Near the town of Meretesk are a variety of points of interest.
09 Godsbody Mountains
- [[ The Godsbody ]]
Glass Peak
- [[ Glass Falls ]]
Silver Mountain
- [[ Road to Silver Mountain ]]
- [[ Silver Mine ]]
- [[ Goblin Town ]]
- [[ Giants Reach ]]
- Blight Town
- [[ Tower of the Wizard of Glass ]]
Road to Varak
- [[ Mineosi Embassy to Gomotesk ]]
Road to Gomotesk
- [[ Military Outpost in Meretesk ]]
03 Snarlwood
- [[ Orphans Cemetery ]]
- [[ North Snarlwood ]]
- [[ Silk Farms of Meretesk ]]
- [[ Farmlands of Meretesk ]]
Notes mentioning this note
index meretesk
This campaign takes place in Meretesk in the Kingdom of Gomotesk in the spring of 601 GR (Gomotesk Reckoning).