Hall of Vanquished Lies

The Hall of Vanquished Lies is a location in [[ Abbey in the Wilderness ]] where the religious artifacts of local defunct and underground religions are housed as trophies of the early religious wars fought by the Church of the Unseen.

The Hall includes lost gods like

  • [[ Amfris-who-flies-above ]]: Feasts on the battlefield dead, prayed to for luck in war
  • [[ Unborn Mother ]]: Fertility goddess: The unborn mother. A deity that births herself and is tied to herself by an astral umbilical cord. She is present in all stages of life and may manifest herself into the material plane since she exists in dimensions beyond the physical and may pass through into the material plane as a different form
  • [[ Fasran ]]: God of the Harvest
  • [[ Siddeya ]]: Goddess of growth, restoration, nature, and healing
  • [[ Maristal ]]
  • [[ Yeresit ]]: Feathery winged serpent with antlers

And does not include

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