
A Goblin from [[ Goblin Town ]] who works as a bounty hunter.

Has a rivalry with [[ Bourbon Maduro ]], a dwarf with many mustaches.

Blikz grew up in the mines, where his natural aptitude eventually got him hired as the official maintenance worker of the mines. Part of that was making and maintaining the traps that stopped thieves, as well as chasing those thieves down. He moved to the city about a year and a half back and starting hunting down people wanted by the law. He’s worked with a few others when needed, but has a fondness for Helewynn because they seem to have the same ideals of doing (mostly) what’s right and getting paid.

A defecting soldier stole precious cargo from the [[ Military Quarter]]. Blikz tracked the soldier down to Sidicea, a city on the other side of the Golden Gulf. After a harrowing journey aboard a hijacked vessel piloted by Helewynn, the two captured the soldier and secured the cargo. Helewynn smuggled the two out of Sidicea and back up the [[Merry River ]] where they collected the bounty. They never found out what was in the package.

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