in the morning im making plus 1 waffles

After some shopping, the gang heads out on the hunt of the fleecemane lion! First they stop at a nearby silk farm to get the latest goss and try to get a meeting with the owner of the estate. They start kind of formulating a plan to break in and do what? Not sure but they speak to some guards (one of whom loves stabbing people in the throat) and get a chat with the majordomo Dina.

Dina and the guards give the gang some info on the fleecemane lion and that it had attacked the farm once before. The gang offers Dina some business on the fleece of the fleecemane lion (they farm textiles after all) and expects them in a week! Thanks for giving yourself a clock!

The gang heads into the Snarlwood, searching for some time, led by Skadi’s expert navigation, when she is ambushed by an assassin vine. The creature strangles her while the others try to untangle her from its grasp. Once they defeat the creature, they find its origin point: a tree that it had latched onto and underneath the roots of the tree, a pit of corpses: the vine’s meals over the years, digested by its acidic grip.

The gang goes to sleep, with no incident. They run into some mushroom friends with a powerful spore stank on em and get directions to the lion. They also see a giant elk. Like really giant. Bigger than a house. But they choose not to pursue.

They stumble onto the house of Snallygaster who requests for them to join her for dinner. It is a pretty foul meal and they have to share their rations to partake. Some rancid octopus, old chicken wings, and a pretty decent soup actually. Skadi’s fey senses tingle and she refuses to partake, despite Snallygaster’s warnings that not finishing the meal with her would result in dire consequences.

Blikz stands up first to fuck right off, in spite of Snallygaster’s threats, and the others follow, readying to leave, and Helewynn decides to cast a spell on her that just fully doesn’t work (perhaps some kind of fairy charm immunity, who can say). The gang books it but not before Helewynn takes a massive hit from Snallygaster’s claws. She just wanted to have some people over for dinner and do some fortune-telling! Oh well, enemies for life.

The gang sees the giant elk again, sleeping in the woods, and they camp out near it. At some point Helewynn has a nightmare about Snallygaster. They follow it some distance before (thinking to kill it and use its corpse as bait for the lion) but they soon decide against it, with Buck’s previous research informing him that this animal may be revered and that it might be a bad call (and also it’s fucking huge).

They come upon some monoliths and aren’t able to glean much information from them. Or maybe they do, I don’t remember. Hope you wrote it down!

The gang decides to leave the North Snarlwood and see if maybe the lion crossed the ford on the way to Meretesk. Skadi picks up a trail here! Some tufts of fleece. They set up camp at the end of the day outside the woods and keep watch.

A werewolf and its wolf friends attack! After the gang is able to fend it off, it retreats into the darkness, not to be seen again.

Some choice quotes:

“Stuff your tinder in my tinderbox.”

“We don’t see ears.”

The gang is outside the South Snarlwood, seeking the fleecemane lion.

They have four days to report back to Majordomo Dina, or not, it’s a completely self-imposed deadline.

Previous Episode: salt is a useless ingredient you seasoned what you had to season the pepper grinds all

Next Episode: i was so focused on skinning this lion that i forgot to skin these people

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