Manipulations of the Mind

Book from The Smiler woman on Kinista

Spells included in book: **detect magic*,* magic missile*, *plane shift*,* ray of enfeeblement*,** sleep*

The book is an assortment of hag recipes and spells, crude and incomprehensible. However, there is a page in here that contains writing in a different hand, detailing a formula with diagrams. A letter falls out as you try to make sense of the diagrams. It reads:

Dear Arry,

Apologies for the last one, but the fiends will be hunting us anyway. We may as well get some use out of the equipment.

I have enclosed here the recipe for mind control. I have transcribed it and improved it from the Rakshasa’s hand. It is a dangerous one, so take care not to overuse it on those you need it to work on. It may cause madness or even undeath.

I await your rescue boat tomorrow. I can only shield my mind for so long. The Rakshasa is close to finding me out.

Yours truly,


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