Interpretations of the Many Bodied

Interpretations of the Many-Bodied

Mad ramblings appear in this book as they did in the Book of Forbidden Knowledge, but they ebb and flow with that wildness. At times the writing is reserved. The same hand appears to have gone back and annotated previous ramblings, added in pages explaining what had happened. The very first page is a full letter, written as a page in this book. It reads:

Dear Arry,

Whisperbottom (Malory Whisperbottom) and I have found it. At last. At long last. All we have sacrificed. All we have lost. Here I am, ageless and all bones and voiceless, but at last I found it. This is the true method that Arch-Lich [[ Goromus ]] must have used to create all of those copies of himself. And what’s more, it was not written by The Hidimba.

After decades of research here it is, my dearest brother: Interpretations of the Many-Bodied. I had to summon gods from beyond the stars, from strange places, and do unnatural things, and they spoke to me, unnerving and chaotic and maddening.

Do not doubt my hand in this book. It was me, though I lost myself at times. I at last had to do something drastic to preserve my sanity: I took the sirablood myself.

This was the only way I could escape them. Preserving my mind in this form, leaving my body, even as you mean to create dozens for yourself. Only I will ever hear my own voice again, in my imagination. Now that the formula is written down, you are safe from their gibbering, maddening tongues, and my mind is safe from them, within this form.

We are at last what we always wanted to be: I am my mind, eternal, unbreakable, unfading, a whole undeath to research and learn; and you will have your loyal army, made up of yourself and your always faithful


Addressed to Aramestes, signed by Natalya

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