Book of Forbidden Knowledge

Book of Forbidden Knowledge

The book appears to be the ramblings of a madman, though carefully annotated by a familiar hand with inserts of diagrams, each numbered and cross-referenced. A pair of notes are among the inserts. They read:

Dear Arry,

Whisperbottom and I have returned successful from our mission into the Arch-Lich Goromus crypt. I have retrieved the ritual to create a lich, but the Arch-Lich we found was something different. The use of sirablood The Hidimba proposes here is more than what a mortal body can take, based on our experiments so far. It must be what the Arch-Lich did: A way to become a lich, without the need for a phylactery. By the putting the soul in endless bodies, one after another, the lich can never die.

But at what cost?

Goromus was nothing more than a husk when we found him. There were 12 of him, all unable to cast the simplest spell from the madness he suffered. He begged us to kill him. I fear to hand this over to you, except to burn it. We barely escaped his temple with our lives.

We shall talk soon.



The next note reads:

Dearest Nat,

Do not presume to tell me what I can handle. What the so-called Arch-Lich failed to realize was that undeath is not the ultimate goal with this ritual. There must be something the Hidimba is hiding.



The book contains a recipe for how to create a Lich. 

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