Crypt of Arch Lich Goromus

Arch-Lich Goromus (Osteros)

Entering the crypt of Arch-Lich Goromus: 

When the wall slides open, you behold a chamber. The voice from above announces, “Behold, my true treasure trove! Marvel upon it and weep, foolish mortals, for I am the great Lich Goromus, the undying!” All around you are the bodies of 12 creatures, identical, gray-faced and withered. Their heavy robes make them look even smaller and more pathetic. Cobwebs, dust, and sand cover this room. “But you shall never leave with it!”

The door seals behind you. In the center of room, you realize there is a figure, turned away from you, crouched over with a lantern. Spent vials of sirablood are scattered around its feet. It is the only source of light in the room, but allows you to see 12 bodies in the room.

“Just wait! I almost have it!”

The creature turns to look at you. You see a skeletal creature, muscle still clinging to its body, red and gruesome. From its skull you can tell that it was a Dragonborn in life. It points a finger at you each in turn, its claws long and deformed, each finger as long as its leg.

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