
Nahk is from a mountain clan of bugbears. He left at a young age to explore and be all a bugbear can be. He likes to travel to strange locations, sample the foods, meet people, and essentially make his own travel guide of the places he visits.

Nahk and Hobbes are hired by Malory Whisperbottom as bodyguards while Malory seeks out the mysteries of Malorys spellbook.

Nahk has heard tell of Livius Anastasius Cratius, inventor of the sandwich.

Nahk, during his time in The 13 Islands of the Haunted Sea, took the time to compile all of his maps, writings, and journal entries to put together his first book: Kodama Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underdark. Chapters include:

  • Don’t Nahk It Till You Try It: A cautionary tale of Esteban’s Shack on Findalos. The chapter discusses the desire of travelers to explore “local” foods to get the truer representation of a destination’s culture and how despite that, a dive is sometimes a dive. Includes a guest review of the greasy fries written by Malory
  • The Sand Witch: The title he gives to Livius, as well as his creation.
  • Quebra Wood Smoked Fish: A recipe that really lifts the flavor out of the meat
  • Sealskin Wraps: Inspired by the Lighthouse of Quebra, this covers how to cook using coals on the beach and using soaked seafood skins as a wrap to cook meat and veggies.
  • Glub’s Sharkmeat Skewers: A personal recipe from his buddy, Glub, and a recall of the Morodos adventures.
  • Bonebroth Soup: Nahk calls it “oste-nsibly the best soup you’ll ever make.” Inspired by Osteros.
  • “Diet of Worms” (I loved our pun too much so I used it): A page that says “Don’t go to Embara. Almost died twice. A place of dark reflection. 2 our of 5 stars.”
  • “Ain’t No Party Like a Fey Dancin’ Party Because a Fey Dancin’ Party Might Kill You.” A warning not to party with the “Fair Folk.” He covers the great booze, fantastic food, lively music, and the fact that they literally never end. Like you may dance until you die. Also, you’ll get a killer hangover.

A weekly zine called Haunts Unknown, discussing various odd locations and rare finds in the Haunted Sea, is in the brainstorming stage as of now.

Appears in The 13 Islands of the Haunted Sea

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