Hungry Hamboy Hugo
Hugo is the head cook of the PS Admirable Effort and a founding member of the Spill the Tea Circle.
Notes mentioning this note
a lively curbstomping
Hello, Smithers, you are quite good at turning me on The consoles in front of Livius, Sora, Abraham, Casimir, Natalya,...
id like to eat something that tried to eat me
Like a bitch in a sandstorm, these are the days of our lives
the real jet fuel was the friends we betrayed along the way
With Casimir and Hobbes dissenting, the 5-2 vote goes forward as the heroes prepare to kill the defenseless Chagarat, the...
I want him to exist, but also fear what his existence might mean – [[Livius Anastasius Cratius]] A thoroughly cursed...
Spill the Tea Circle
A gossip, tea-drinking, and current events social circle founded by [[The Alchemist]], [[Hungry Hamboy Hugo]], [[Teo Ramsen]], and [[Baltsaros]], mostly...