The 40 Days Campaign Diary

By Timeline

  • Battle of Aurochs Island
    • Day 1 : Ste 1
      • Decisive Argoti victory
  • Battles in the Golden Gulf
    • Days 3-13 : Ste 3-13
      • Stalemate
      • Strategic Argoti victory
  • 1st Siege of Sidicea
    • Days 10-13 : Ste 10-13
      • Argoti victory
      • Mineosi depart from the Golden Gulf
  • Iron Wall : Ste 14-20
    • Days 14-20
      • Argoti Victory
      • Mineosi retreat into the Great Sea
  • Battle of the Great Sea
    • Day 20 : Ste 20
      • Argoti Victory
      • Mineosi naval forces retreat to Adugari and Zagari
  • Siege of Kalens
    • Days 18-33 : Ste 18-Msm 3
      • Mineosi Victory
      • Insurrection quashed
  • 1st Siege of Telens
    • Days 14-20 : Ste 14-20
      • Coalition Victory
      • Mineosi Podana navy retreats
  • Battle of Podana Pass
    • Day 21: Ste 21
      • Mineosi Victory
      • Coalition pillaging of resources from countryside strains local relations
  • 2nd Siege of Telens
    • Day 30: Ste 30
      • Mineosi Victory
  • Operation Great Reaping
    • Day 23, operations start day 29, ends on 36 - Ste 23-29-Msm 6
      • Argoti mission failure
      • Decisive Mineosi Victory
      • Collapse of Sickle Island Front
  • Battle of the Niahal Coast
    • Days 31-33, Msm 1-3
      • Decisive Coalition Victory
      • Mineosi fail to reopen Golden Gulf front
  • Battle of Telens Underbridge
    • Day 34 Msm 4
      • Coalition Victory
      • Mineosi Podana navy routed
  • Battle of the Foothills
    • Day 37 Msm 7
      • Zulon Victory
      • Disappearance of Argoti Home Guard
  • Capitulation of Telens
    • Days 38-40 Msm 8-10
      • Mineosi Victory
      • Navy from across Sunrise Sea enters Golden Gulf
  • 2nd Siege of Sidicea / Betrayal or Revenge of Sidicea
    • Day 39 Msm 9
      • Mineosi Victory
      • Nadir of Sidicea-Argoti relations
  • Capitulation of Niahal
    • Day 40 Msm 10
      • Mineosi Victory
      • Mineosi capture all of the Golden League cities

Previous Episode: a lively curbstomping

Next Episode: rip soul from dick - costs 2 actions

Map of Argot and its Surroundings

Notes mentioning this note