snu snu in the snow snow

Deep Croak

The heroes get a little assist from one of the warriors who led them to the slaads. The warrior, not knowing that the gang had formed a little truce with the remaining blue slaad, hurls a spear at the beast. Rho blinds the blue slaad using the light spell to prevent it from dodging out of the way. Rho tells the slaad that, sorry, I’m out of healing spells but also don’t worry about the fact that I distracted you so that you’d get hurt.

Sora brutally euthanizes the slaad and the gang follows the guide so that they can track the remaining slaads. Nahk and the guides follow the trail while Livius is able to see invisibility and sees the gray slaad eating the death slaad whole in the mud.

Nahk chops right into the two slaads who are doing whatever the hell that is, and Sora fires an arrow straight through the eyes of the gray slaad. Rho gives it a shot but slip and slides right over the muddy frog beast.

Desu Paredo

The elder of Jolos looks askance at Livius’s Death Parade, the walking dead of the victims who the heroes failed to save (read: killed, remember, it was you guys who actually killed the hostages, I actually forgot during the session). The gang pulls a Malory and alienates the people of Jolos with the Death Parade, and they are not offered the typical heroes’ feast that comes after saving an island. But they got the satisfaction of a job well done. Except for all the casualties. Also they lost Malory.

After casting a much needed tiny hut, Livius follows a teleporting [[ Kodama ]]. Using his see invisibility spell, he realizes that the kodama is not teleporting, but is actually shifting through the ethereal plane. The kodama spirit, before giving Livius a constellation charm, dresses him down a bit for doing necromancy. The kodama is appeased when Livius assures it that he doesn’t seek to become a lich and when he specifies that they didn’t bring The Alchemist, she kind of hitched a ride. He returns and lets the gang know that the kodama aren’t super keen on the Alchemist and consider her an abomination.

Back on My Balto Bullshit

The gang arrives in [[ Iskos ]] after a brief chat with their best friends the merrows, who tell them of Aramestes who lives in Iskos. And they’re like what? That guy can’t be here.

Anyway they meet a colorful cast of characters in the magic snowglobe of an island that is Iskos because man, is this place cold or what:

  • Jimbony, whaler
  • Bill, and his dogs
    • Minder
    • Finder
    • Grinder
    • Hinder
  • Saralee
    • Perpetually cold sweater sales rep. Also sells novelty dog booties
  • [[ Stefano ]] of Stefano’s Shack
    • Sells blubber products:
      • Blubber burgers with seaweed
      • Blubber cakes
      • Sauteed blubber
  • Tim Timothy Timtimchiree
    • In his underwear one night, he flew on the back of the skyswimmer to Nistora, where he drank with, wrestled, gambled, and bedded many a giant. He returned to his wife, who made him sleep in the snow for a few days for the adultery. He realized he hadn’t been imagining things because he returned with a giant grape.
    • Flashed the heroes his nips. Don’t remember why.
    • Also sells rations
    • “Have a timful”

A Rogue Too Far

The heroes go to Bill to hire him for help getting past the White Wall to Aramestes’s keep in the mountains, above the town of the animal-headed people. The gang pulls a Malory talking about haggling with him, robbing him, and paying him with money from The Hidimba. Sora offers “Half a Rogue More” and convinces Bill to accept Nahk’s money. Bill agrees to take them on “The Rogue Less Traveled”, beyond the White Wall.

Whomst Among Us Has Let the Dogs Out?

The heroes use their constellation charm for Iskos and summon a sled and a dog sled team! There are seven dogs, one for each of–oh. Whoops. Well, you know what I mean. They all have glowing ghostly green eyes.

  • Nahk’s Nahk-fur-coated dog, Khan
  • Hobbes’s black dog with a white patch on his chest, Calvin (pronounced Kelvin)
  • Casimir’s black and white dog, Hazel
  • Sora’s black and white dog, Thurirl, Hazel’s twin
  • Rho’s blond dog, Rox
  • Livius’s black and white malamute, Goliath
  • And finally the leader of the sled team, with a gray and protagonist-green colored coat, Good Malory

Sora: “He was always turning people into dogs, right? It was dogs, right? He loves dogs. They quack him up.”

Cas: “Why did we name these dogs?”

Finally, mending is good for something

Rho pilots the dog sled team, following Bill. Bill crashes into a tree, but Rho is able to use mending to fix the sled. He leaves them behind, after warning them of a red-faced creature. He tells them that the keep of Aramestes is beyond the Grandmother Nervepeeler’s woods and up the mountain pass.

They venture into the woods, concealed in the fashionable white fur coats they bought at Saralee’s. They begin tracking the prints of the monster Bill saw when they realized they are being stalked by a huge two-headed giant, red-faced and monstrous. And they realize that the giant could not have left the prints they were tracking.

It is 4pm on day 27 since the Battle of Aurochs Island, the first engagement in the Argoti-Mineosi War.

The heroes are on Iskos, beyond the White Wall, in the Witch’s Woods.

Four islands left: Iskos, Nistora, Dorost, and Charatos.

One beast left: The Skyswimmer.

You are on a demiplane, and Zulon is arriving on the material plane in four days. Malory is in hell.

Previous Episode Sad Slaad the Salad Lad

Solo Episode: It is Dark and Hell is Hot

Next Episode: those girls were actually digidestined to cure cancer so

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