meowth to meowth to resuscitation

The gang finds themselves Goromus’s Big Time Puzzle Room! Livius desecrates a tomb (classic). They find three trapped cases in one room, each with a book. Livius has his skele-boi shove his arm into a trap. With some clever thinking Rho is able to extract the arm before it is severed by the blades. Casimir starts a bug collection with the other trap, but they poison and paralyze him (which is quickly remedied by Rho). The skeleton then reaches into the third trap and narrowly avoids getting bitten by rats (I mean what is a rat gonna do to a skeleton). One of the books had a bookmark in it that looked like a tongue!

Sora sneaks into the other room and finds a magical looking ring. She tries to Indiana Jones it after discovering that it is tied by a string to its pedestal, avoiding a super fun trap I had planned, but it’s whatever. Sora and Hobbes also manage to grab a couple of necklaces with rubies on them and avoid the traps they had, sort of (Sora put the necklace on and took acid damage and the heroes all looked at the other necklace and Livius had a weird curse happen to him).

The heroes shoved the gemstones and the bookmark into the skeleton’s mouth (because they saw a similar thing on a mural in the back, forgot to mention that, whoops) and the door opened! Huzzah!

The gang ran down a corridor only to have it swing down and away, and crossed over the gap it made into the next room. Two dragonborn met them, in search of their friend Ember Nemmonis who had gotten lost (and whom the heroes were also here to save) and they entered the room.

You hear that voice again over the intercom:

“Behold, my true treasure trove! Marvel upon it and weep, foolish mortals, for I am the great Lich Goromus, the undying!” All around you are the bodies of 12 creatures, identical, gray-faced and withered. Their heavy robes make them look even smaller and more pathetic. Cobwebs, dust, and sand cover this room. “But you shall never leave with it!” 

The door seals behind you. In the center of room, you realize there is a figure, turned away from you, crouched over with a lantern. Spent vials of sirablood are scattered around its feet. It is the only source of light in the room, but allows you to see 12 bodies in the room.

“Just wait! I almost have it!”

The creature turns to look at you. You see a skeletal creature, muscle still clinging to its body, red and gruesome. From its skull you can tell that it was a Dragonborn in life. It points a finger at you each in turn, its claws long and deformed, each finger as long as its leg. 

Casimir and Sora realize that the two dragonborn with them are actually Elder Oblexes and the oozes just go to town on the manipulation and mind control stuff. Hypnotic patterns, Casimir is made to attack Livius, and then Ember (the Boneclaw) just starts attacking everyone and also grabs Mallory and teleports away with Mallory (who then teleports away).

Rho controlled things by putting up a wall of fire and doling out heals. Sora went down twice. Livius and Hobbes and Mallory did their thang, with Mallory throwing out a clutch counterspell to prevent another hypnotic pattern. Livius scorched up one of the Oblexes, breaking the spell over Casimir.

Ember, on his last legs, knocks down Sora and teleports away with Casimir. While trying to get away, Casimir transforms into a cat but gets knocked down like a deflated Thackery Binx.

After Mallory threw an ice knife at Ember and the other Oblex and they get frosted up (with some collateral damage on our pal Casimir), but luckily Rho gives Casimir some meowth to meowth resuscitation.

The gang find themselves among the 12 corpses and Ember’s warped and ruined body, sealed in a tomb with no clear exit from the room they are in.  Ember clutches a book jealously in his hands and a folded note is found in the pages.

On Osteros

“Tomb of Aramestes” (Hoard of Goromus)

Zone 1: 4/4 islands, 0/1 engine key

Zone 2: 2/4 islands, 0/1 engine key

Zone 3: 0/5 islands, 0/1 engine key

Day 15 in the Haunted Sea

16 days to Zulon’s arrival

Previous Episode: you cant have any pudding until youve had your BONES

Next Episode: more like sinkhole de cuatro

Notes mentioning this note