Wow good thing he didnt have time stop and that you didnt blow that horn

The heroes arrive on Findalos, after making a small truce with some merrows, and find that the population is abuzz with the return of Kes after 600 years. The angel has been doing some miracles, but perhaps something is fishy. By that I mean, [[ Esteban ]]’s Shack. That place is very fishy. After seeing some weird stuff with teens Tebowing at a false idol, a priest (Father Eustace) being weird, and hearing some stories of people being returned to life by the angel at the abbey (Penelope’s nephew, falling into the well; Winston, barnacle and clam flatbread), the heroes decide to see what all the hype’s about.

They meet a young woman named Melody trapped in a well-like structure and rescue her, bringing her to her Auntie Stitchmouth’s hut. The old woman is pretty chill and tells the heroes that she knows Kes isn’t back because 1) Kes wouldn’t eat people and b) Kes’s summoning horn is hidden somewhere else.

She directs the heroes to the place, a spot indicated with an illusion that shows the viewer their own corpse hanging from a tree. The heroes retrieve the horn.

After Auntie Stitchmouth commands her child army to set the village on fire as a distraction, the heroes are able to sneak their way into the main temple at the abbey. The angel is there, but he is not very chill, and the priest  from before, Father Eustace? That guy is there and has zero chill and hates when other people cast spells. Malory’s special eye sees the false Kes (Bakshir) killing and resurrecting and killing the guy who summoned him.

Bakshir blasts the heroes with some radiant cylinder and Father Eustace blasts the heroes with some cold. After Sora and Malory go down but then get up  again (nothing’s gonna keep them down), Nahk summons the real Kes, by making the zombie do it, which was good because it was a sure death sentence. 

With a renewed strength from Casimir’s healing wand, Malory comes back up to fry Bakshir back to wherever he came from. Nahk smacks down Father Eustace and the poor old man is surrounded, without a friend in the world. Kes asks for the honor of taking the mage down, but Livius, thirsty for blood, stays the angel’s hand, only to be foiled by Father Eustace teleporting the fudge out of there.

The heroes loot the reliquary, taking the Relic of Saint Amanda Please, some +0 magic versions of their weapons, and a Robe of the Mage.

The monks and nuns at the abbey are in awe to have seen the real Kes and really scared of the heroes as Livius turns one of them into a zombie and the rest of them loot the place and leave.

Kessed be the fruit.

Day 11 in the Haunted Seas

20 days to Zulon’s arrival

Previous Episode: At the Edge of the Pool on Morodos

Next Episode: whos gonna pay for those therapy sessions amirite

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