Embassy Sweets and Sandos

The gang meets Armand Colodrise and Sora at Hespero’s shop. Armand contracts the gang to find his son, Taedor. The gang runs and seeks out a caravan on the way. A man misleads them into thinking the caravan is going straight to Varak.

The gang gets attacked by a snake, comes across a goatherd, fights a giant boar, and reaches the caravan, using boar meat to negotiate through situations.

Sora meets Slavos, a young musician from Argot. The gang gets to the farmland outside of Kraikos and are ambushed by some scarecrows. They cause a fire and the farmer is very mean to them. A rude man accosts them and is suddenly murdered and then pickpocketed by white-eyed children.

Benfred approaches them and offers a place to stay. Casamir turns into a cat and hides in a cranny. The gang agrees to stay at the inn. They suspect that the bad vibes in the village which started 12 years ago are because of a hag. Millie reveals her daughter was kidnapped.

Sora, overnight, is haunted, as she slept alone in her room, by the visions of [[ Kriv ]] and her boss Ralos Korvesian. She takes a hit point loss after having bad nightmares.

Benfred spoke of a priest up in the hills and a vineyard.

The gang leaves. Sora keeps hearing a melody from the woods, but they ignore it and roll up to the Embassy. The Ambassador talks to them and lures them into the embassy. Casamir and Abraham stay outside in the courtyard.

Sora regains her lost hit points, talks to a countryman from Werriad, and Livius invents the sandwich.

Previous Episode: Bumpkos Island

Next Episode: Catuesque

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